90 minute block to integrate all areas of Language Arts (reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary and grammar)
McGraw-Hill, Glencoe Math Program
Focus on integer operations, rational number operations, percents, ratios, rates, proportional relationships, solving simple inequalities and equations, samples, populations, statistics, probability, angles, area, volume and surface area
Social Studies:
McGraw-Hill/National Geographic Society, The American Republic to 1877
Focus on U.S. History from the first Americans to the Civil War, including the exploration of the Americas, colonial settlement and the American Revolution
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Science Dimensions Program
Focus on life science topics such as cells, organisms as systems, reproduction, heredity, matter & energy in living systems, ecosystems, biodiversity, fossil record, evolution and inheritance
Sadlier, We Live Our Faith Program
Focus on a deeper understanding of God and Jesus, the sacraments and living as Christ’s disciples
Special Activity Periods:
Physical Education
Spanish (three times per week)
STEM Extension once a week
List of 6 members.
Andrew Turulski
Teacher - Grade 5-8 Math & Science
Carole Welch
Teacher- Art Grades Pre-K-8, Library & Music Grades Pre-K-4